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Job Opportunities at the Sanger Learning Center

Be part of our team! You’ll be able to earn money and gain valuable work experience while helping other students. Most positions offer flexible work hours and opportunities to work remotely. You can combine more than one Sanger position for up to 20 hours per week. Please keep in mind that:

  • Most of our jobs for the entire academic year open in March and some in April.
  • Jobs for the spring semester open in October/November.
  • All of our positions are work-study eligible.
  • Please note: If hired, you must complete the federal Employment Eligibility Verification form, I-9, before your start date.

See all of our current job openings

Currently hiring for:

Supplemental Instruction (SI) Leaders (Multiple disciplines)
A Supplemental Instruction (SI) Leader is an undergraduate student assigned to a specific course and facilitates two to three identical 50-minute weekly sessions. SI Leaders attend the lectures of their assigned courses, plan and conduct their sessions using collaborative activities to combine course content with effective study strategies, and meet weekly as a group to collaborate on planning and troubleshooting their sessions. The Supplemental Instruction program is dedicated to being open to all students. This position and the program value those who can provide compassionate facilitation and leadership to their peers.

  • Hours: 10 hours per week (3 hours attending class, 2 hours planning sessions, 2-3 hours facilitating identical SI Sessions, 1-hour cohort meeting, 2-hour admin task).
  • Starting rate: $14/hour
  • Requirements: Any full-time UT Austin student who has taken all prerequisite courses
  • Preferences: Students who have received at least a B in the course they support (see here for a list of currently SI-supported courses)
  • Deadline: Applications for multiple disciplines open from April 1 through April 21

Apply to be a Supplemental Instruction Leader

Supplemental Instruction (SI) Supervisor
The SI Supervisor manages the Supplemental Instruction (SI) Leader student staff, directs meetings, conducts observations, and facilitates professional development activities and trainings.

  • Hours: 6-10 hours per week
  • Starting rate: $17/hour (undergraduates) or $25/hr (graduates)
  • Requirements: Full-time UT Austin student (academic program must match posted vacancies below); availability to participate in pre-semester training and bi-weekly Supervisor meetings
  • Preferences: Experience and/or interest in student-centered learning
  • Deadline: Applications for multiple disciplines open from April 1 through April 21
  • Vacancies:
    Liberal Arts (must be a graduate student in AMS, HIS, or C C)
    Chemistry / Biochemistry
    Electrical and Computer Engineering
    Business (preferred majors are ACC, FIN, or MIS)

Apply to be a Supplemental Instruction Supervisor