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Zach Sunderland

Photo of Zach Sunderland
Graduation Year:
Spring 2018
"Last semester my team was amazing; I got really lucky with the caliber of student that applied to be facilitators."

What has been the most rewarding part about working at the Sanger Center?
Working with such a great team of hardworking and motivated students.

What has been the most surprising aspect of your job?
How many people show up to midterm review sessions (it’s a lot!).

Tell us about a time you worked with a student (or group of students) and were particularly proud of the outcome. What happened? Why was it special?
Last semester my team was amazing; I got really lucky with the caliber of student that applied to be facilitators. They showed their excellence leading up to and during our first midterm review. I was new to being a peer coordinator, they were all new to being facilitators, and yet together we put on an amazing review session for almost 100 students. What was so amazing about this was how confident they all were with the material and how adept they were at facilitating large groups, even though we had only had one planning meeting and one week of review sessions before the big exam prep.

What do you think is the biggest myth about learning/studying in college?
You don’t have to go to class and/or do your homework to succeed. Basically, these are the only two things you have to do in order to succeed!

Tell us about an academic challenge you encountered when you got to UT. How did you handle it? What advice would you give to someone in that same situation?
I got too preoccupied with extra-curricular activities and let school slip way out of focus. To someone in a similar situation I would suggest reaching out to trusted friends/family for help and getting back on track as quickly as possible.