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Pop-Up Institute to Address Substance Misuse

The Youth Substance Misuse and Addiction Pop-Up Institute is a new multidisciplinary effort to address the issues surrounding young people and drugs. Youth substance misuse is a complex social problem with no “silver bullet” solution; approximately one in 10 young people struggles with a substance use disorder. The new “pop-up institute” creates a space for researchers and scholars from different disciplines to collaborate to address this complex topic. Research departments and organizations that focus on youth and addiction can now share information and resources to attack the problem more holistically.

“Our pop-up initiative will launch a diverse network of UT and renowned scholars, agencies/organizations who focus on youth substance misuse, research, intervention, and recovery initiatives in order to examine and impact addiction as it undermines the health of young people on and off campus, their families, the community, the state, and the nation,” says team leader Lori Holleran Steiker, professor of social work and School of Undergraduate Studies Director of Instruction, Engagement, and Wellness. “Through data compilation, conferences, publications, and brainstorming, our campus and community experts will look for solutions at the interdisciplinary nexus of bio-psycho-social aspects of drug misuse and addiction recovery.”

The group will focus its energy on creating the strongest impact on youth with substance use disorders, UT students, and on encouraging a culture of recovery and wellness.