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Sample Proposal: Writing

College of Education

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ALD 330 Language in Education

Department of Applied Learning and Development

What substantial writing projects will your students complete during the course?

ALD 330 students submit weekly writing logs for review. Their final projects, however, develop over the course of the semester as we integrate writing and reflection on that writing through individual, small group, and whole class meetings. Students first submit draft sections of their linguistic analyses in small groups and provide feedback to one another. They then submit revised drafts to the instructor who provides additional reflection and feedback. Students have additional opportunities to submit segments of the final project for review prior to the final submission.

What kinds of feedback will students receive from the instructor, and what opportunities will they have to read and comment on each other’s work? How often and how extensively will they revise their own writing?

Students will be given feedback both regarding organization and the development of an argument, as well as more detail-oriented feedback regarding syntax and structure. We discuss in class issues of lexical density and text complexity with respect to the texts students will use, and these lessons are applied to their own writing. They are given several opportunities to revise their own work.

What amount of the final course grade will come from the written work (minimum one-third for a three-hour course)?

40% of the final course grade will come from the final written project; an additional 10% of the course grade will come from their weekly writing projects. Midterm exams will also be evaluated for the quality of student writing.