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Social Entrepreneurship & Non-profits Archived Connecting Experiences Spotlights

Sarah Trepagnier

Major: Finance
Type of Experience: Research
Mentor: Wendy Hunter, Government

Sarah Trepagnier studied micro-businesses and microcredit, looking specifically at Panama as a case study. Sarah examined how microcredit, or the extension of small loans to non-traditional borrowers in underdeveloped areas, has both positive and negative effects in developing countries. She was also able to travel to Panama with Global Business Brigades to jumpstart a local business and then track its progress.

Lily Chowdhury

Major: Business Honors
Type of Experience: Research
Mentor: Jacqueline Angel, LBJ School

Lily conducted research about policies concerning health care for the elderly in Texas. She met regularly with Dr. Angel to discuss policy developments and wrote an extensive report on her findings. In the future, Lily hopes to combine her business degree with her knowledge from this experience to find innovative solutions to providing the elderly with affordable comprehensive health care.

Melissa Hong

Major: Social Work
Type of Experience: Internship in Austin
Mentor: Rowena Fong, Social Work

Melissa interned with Refugee Services of Texas in Summer 2007. Shadowing caseworkers and working with staff at the organization, she learned about the resettlement process for incoming refugees as well as the inner workings of running a non-profit organization.